
Understanding What Influences QoE

By Incognito on September, 16 2014

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To improve customer satisfaction for your business, it’s important to understand what customers perceive as influences to QoE. From a recent Find Your Cloud report, customer QoE perception of services is defined by functionality, support, trust, satisfaction (of tangible interactions), and popularity.

Our big takeaway from the stats? Companies should focus on improving functionality, support, and trust, which accounts for almost 75% of what influences QoE. Raising satisfaction and increasing popularity will occur after improving these three factors.

So, how do you increase functionality, support, and trust to boost the subscriber’s QoE?


This is achieved with open-device support and fast automation when provisioning service parameters. You need to ensure that your equipment and services ‘just work’, meaning easy installation and connectivity for any new device.


When customers need help, service agents must be equipped with remote support tools that have the ability to target device diagnostics. Gaining insight into devices, especially over WiFi, promotes fast resolution and effective issue escalation.


You need monitoring tools that make sure your network is delivering as promised, and alerts that notify administrators when your network is not. Ensuring that service-level agreements (SLAs) deliver as expected increases subscriber confidence in their service provider.

Throughout the summer trade-show season, we noticed a recurring theme among cable operators — they’re recognizing the significant cost benefits from improving customer satisfaction. By improving service functionality, support, and trust, you’ll be able to boost QoE, reduce costs and churn, and increase your popularity to help gain new business. Making QoE a high priority is a trend that’s only going to grow.

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