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Quantifying the Value of Operational Efficiency in Broadband Networks
By Pete Koat on May 29, 2018

Incognito Software Systems Inc. has recently partnered with leading global analyst firm, Analysys Mason, to research the operational savings gained from new generation point solutions built...

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From Omnichannel to Zero-Touch with Automated Service Activation
By Incognito on March 19, 2018

Looking ahead at the telecoms market, European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), the visionary independent standards organisation, have formed a group to look at future...

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Give Network Administrators a Zero-Impact Firmware Update Solution
By Incognito on December 5, 2017

That’s already a handful of manual processes, but imagine doing that over and over for hundreds to thousands of devices, many from different vendors, each with its own unique device update...

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Automation Service Orchestration

How Can You Eliminate the Swivel Chair Effect?
By Ronan Bracken on June 27, 2017

Slow, swivel-chair service fulfillment based on siloed data — it’s a nightmare for rolling out new services quickly and can lead to order fall-out, which frustrates your subscribers. In...

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Automation Service Orchestration

Service Order Management – Part 6: Automation
By Ronan Bracken on June 13, 2017

Operators can reduce the complexity of order management processes with an automated solution

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Automation Device Management Network Analytics

The Wired Operator in a Wireless World – Part 2: Self-Driving Networks
By Pete Koat on February 28, 2017

Last week we touched on network topology and subscriber-aware insights. Taking this to the next level would transform that intelligence into business value and automate the work to ensure...

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Zero-Touch Provisioning… Really?
By Ronan Bracken on January 17, 2017

Zero means zero, right? So by zero-touch provisioning, I was expecting to be dazzled. Services could be delivered to the customer without anyone having to put their hands near anything....

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4 Questions to Ask Yourself When Looking at Automating a Cable Network
By Incognito on March 22, 2016

How many manual steps can I eliminate when attempting to enable an IP scope (address range) on a CMTS?

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Could Your IP Network Use More Automation?
By Incognito on March 15, 2016

The first thing I will deal with is IP Address Management (IPAM) and DHCP, DNS and IPAM (DDI) approaches. Traditionally, IPAM solutions provided a central inventory of IP addresses and the...

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How to Increase Your Profit Margins Using a Centralized Lease Solution
By Incognito on March 8, 2016

Let’s start with the simple rule that lowering OPEX yields higher profit margins. Now you’re probably thinking, how can I further reduce the cost of my operations?

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